Last post for this year..
Reflecting on the past year, I'm pretty darn proud of myself overall. Our money situation is close to resolution. It'll take another whole year till the results are visible, but small emergencies aren't gonna hurt us as badly this upcoming year. Plus my debt (excluding the car) will be reduced by more than half.
My weight, I've lost well over half of my goal, 130 pounds total, 50 left to go. That number still might change, unsure still until I get closer just how it'll look. I feel amazing, I look the best I have in years.
My family life has improved, the kids have become a higher priority in my life, and I feel content with where I am as their mother. They are happy healthy and doing well. Vince has a few issues with his father, and I'm not sure where that will go. This years goals are to get Vincent sorted out with college, begin the adoption process with Kat, and hopefully get Megan to remember she does indeed have a brain.
The house is in good shape, I'd love to own my own but thats not possible for another year or two. But this one suits us well enough, hard to beat the amount of room we have here.
I'll miss my father for the rest of my life, but I know that it was his time and there was most definitely a reason for his going. I know he'll watch over me and mom and Dan and that we'll keep his memory alive forever.
Theres many other things...Theres my friends online in Denmark, Portugal, Norway, Canada as well as the US. I wouldn't be the person I am today without them in my life. Theres ones I've met online that have turned into the best of friends offline and I just feel completely blessed to have them in my life.
I truly believe I have a wonderful life, and I live that every day.