It's Just Another Blog

Friday, June 30, 2006

Stupid Walmart

Well, probably not that stupid, but irritating nonetheless.. So I went grocery shopping last night, night before payday like I do often. Its sometimes less busy, and I can just write a check, money is there the next morning. Well, I get told as I hand over the check, AFTER shopping for an hour and AFTER standing in line for 30 minutes, that they now do electronic check deposit, meaning that my check will go through immediately.

That sucks. Now I have the option of probably bouncing a check, or putting everything back and doing it all again tomorrow. I asked if there was a charge if it didn't go through, she went off and asked. The line behind me was getting longer, and I was tired and wanted to go home. I went ahead and had the check go. Luckily, it was accepted, so honestly I dunno if I'll get hit with a charge or not. It just sucks, no more floating a check at Walmart. Wonder if Food Lion has done the same thing yet :/

Oh.. four day weekend upcoming.. I'm so excited! I plan on relaxing and reading my new books, doing a bit of gardening and some house things. I might drag the kids out to fireworks, I dunno. Course I don't really know which kids will be at home. Megan might be at Robin's, Vince works every day but for Monday, and Kat might go to North Carolina with her friend Brook. So it might be a more peaceful weekend than I even expected.

My last unit is almost done for this quarter, then a week off till I start the next quarter. Family law & composition are my two classes.. blech on those! Overall I'm enjoying classes, and I do feel like I'm learning. I'm not sure I'm getting as much out of it as I could at a traditional school, but since I don't have the time for a normal school, this is what I got.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Superman Returns, and so did a bitchy client

Superman Returns... was an awesome movie. It kept the feeling of the old superman movies, way more comedy moments than I expected. Kevin Spacey was an amazing Lex Luthor, and the newcomer playing Superman himself did fairly well, and he SOUNDS so much like Christopher Reeves its not funny. Just a few small problems with the film, but nothing that makes me not want to see it again.

Now, onto a funny story...

I was on the receptionist desk Tuesday for work, I work in child support for those that don't know, and every 3 days I take a turn in the morning for an hour till the fulltime receptionist comes in. Anyway, had a lady walk in with her child, as she's signing in, I ask her what shes there for. She says, DNA testing. I immediately reply, we do those on Wednesday. Do you have your paperwork? She says she left it at home. (of course) But that her appointment was for the 27th, not the 28th, and why would it be scheduled... blah blah.. Well, I haven't even gotten her photo id, so I have no idea her case number, but I also offer her to see her case worker anyways, in case something else needed to be discussed. She said no, crossed off her name and walked out. Well I didn't think it was that big of a deal till yesterday when she came back.

She came in, told the lady on the desk that she was there for DNA, and then handed over the paperwork. Well, it seems her appointment was indeed for yesterday because it was NOT a DNA appointment. (go figure) and she should have stayed and seen her case worker. Well, the lady was not very happy having come from a considerable distance (probably 30 min drive). But, she saw the worker that day. See, she wanted DNA because she had a small problem. She was married, so her child was legally her husband's, but in reality, she KNEW it was not her husband's child, so she had to get DNA to exclude him so she could go after the right guy. We don't sort that out, the court does, and she'd have known that on Tuesday if she had stayed.

People can be really stupid sometimes. There's a phone number she could have called for questions, or she could have just stayed after she drove yesterday... I'd sure have stayed.

Monday, June 19, 2006

I survived

I survived my mother-in-law's visit. Now, don't get me wrong, I love my mother in law dearly, but when one of her first comments about my new house is this: "Those red curtains do not go in that room" about a room I absolutely love and am VERY happy with the color scheme... it set a bad tone for the weekend. She has this habit of always having to be right about everything, although I will admit she backed down a bit more often this visit. We had a good trip out to Busch Gardens, made wonderful by my son's 30% discount for working there.

We also got a new wall plaque, a huge shield with a dragon head mounted on it. I'll have to post a picture when I get time to take them. Patty also got us a clock to match the shield. We rode a few rides, Vince and I stayed later to ride a few roller coasters, even though that didn't work out so well (one broke down right before we got onto it)

I know I haven't posted much lately, but I'm really trying to get into a routine again, though its not working that well. I've started walking again though, and that feels really good. And really watching the eating. It had gotten away from me a little, just a few more pounds than I wanted, but I've already got it going back down and I'm not worried in the slightest. As long as I can control it and watch the progress and not just sit back and let it happen, I'll be just fine.

Summer is almost here, kids are out of school and Stargate is starting up again in a few weeks (yeah!)

Planted another flower bed with a bird bath, and my next project will be a moss/rock bed in a dark/shaded corner behind the house. I want to take my time with this, so I need to do some serious planning first I think. I've never attempted a bed like this, always went with stuff I knew about, so we'll see how this goes.

I've also been trying to get in touch with a few more friends that I've lost contact with. Its damn hard fitting it into my schedule though. With weeks like last week where I worked 8-6, I felt as if I had no time to do anything I wanted to do. This week should be fairly normal, so I'm hoping to get time in to even call and talk to a few people on the phone. Wouldn't that be a nice treat?

I still miss my Dad... and I finally think I've gotten to a point where I don't think of him every single day. I'm not sure thats a good thing, but the times I do think about him are more often good than sad, so thats improving. I miss his voice, his laugh, the way he looked at life. We would have such good talks during the day and nothing will ever replace that. Mom and I talk now though, and its really good to have her there. I really wish we lived closer to one another, it seems I need her as much as she does me as we both get older. It sucks knowing I might never live closer than I am now; I really doubt she'll ever move from Ohio, and I just can't see how I'll go back.

Such is life though, and I've my own kids to wonder about... where will they all end up in the future?