It's Just Another Blog

Monday, February 27, 2006

What to do with myself..

Well, now that Brian and I came to the decision for me to hold off on working till we get settled into the house, I'm wondering what the hell I'm supposed to be doing with myself? I'd say 75% of the packing is done at this point, cleaning isn't urgent right now. It only takes me a bit of time to do the general straightening up as well. Also, classes are back to 2 week units so I don't even have to rush through that.

Still hoping for some more interviews and call backs, but honestly I'm just feeling a bit lost. I was so looking forward to getting out of the house and DOING something. I just want it to be the right job, I don't want to feel like I'm passing up what's really important right now, which is still my family. We can make due a while longer on Brian's pay alone, could make it all year if we had too. It just won't be comfortable and we won't be paying things off. I can't imagine that it will take that long to find the right job though, but who knows.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Updated me!!

I'll just let the picture speak for itself.

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Friday, February 24, 2006


Well, if anything in my life is going to have problems right now, I think the job is the best one for that. So, I'm not going back to the courthouse job. None of the reassurances from my boss held much weight. She didn't know the right time the courthouse opened, she stated if I'm forced to sit there and not work for a time, then so be it, it happens. I asked about working in a different courthouse, but thats not possible right now. Eight computers is just not enough for the people that need them, and I'll never be comfortable with that. I feel like I'm failing right now.

I also interviewed for another job yesterday. This one is 30 minutes away just about, and is full-time, 9-5. I tried to see if I could get the hours moved up 8-4, but that is impossible. Honestly, this job will be very rigid and inflexible and I just don't think its the right time in my life for a job like that. The work itself should be alright, but the distance and the hours are more than I need or can handle.

So I'm going to decline it, and the one I already have. I hate it, I really do. I feel as if I'm being beyond picky, but honestly I have too. I have three children, a family, a new house (almost) and college going on in my life. Yes, we need me to have a job, but I can't handle outlandish stress and still have a bit of a life left over. I'm not ready to give up everything. We can manage a few more months without me working in order to find the right position. This first one would have been awesome except for the conditions around it. The second one, I know in my heart I'd be regretting it very quickly I think. If it was a bit closer, and the hours were a bit more flexible. But its not, and the first one is not perfect either.

I have about 6 more applications/resumes floating around out there, and I'm going to go back down to the courthouse today and ask about getting another application from the woman that gave me one last week. I sort of felt it was tacky to fill it out at the time, now I'm kicking myself. I can at least see about the jobs available.

On the good news front, we signed the paperwork for homeowner's insurance last night, so that process is all started. Everything is still going ahead just fine, and we are THREE weeks away from closing.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

First day of work..

Well, the job itself is exactly what I figured it would be. Should take about a week to learn and get the hang of. Its very similiar to what I did for Daticon and I enjoyed that quite a bit.

The only problem is the set-up. I'm working downtown in the courthouse. Inside the records room there are about 7-8 computers for public access. There is also about 15-20 people needing on those computers during the day it seems. Now, my employer threw in 3 more people that want to sit there for hours at a time, and there are signs posted to please not sit longer than 20 minutes if someone needs the computer. I'm not really sure how this will work. I'm not the sort of person that can sit there and be rude all day, but honestly how can you get up and off the computer every 20 minutes and expect to get any real work accomplished? I hate being rude and I don't like upset people. Yesterday we sat there for 3 hours on two of the computers and got alot of people pissed off.

So, I love the job, I hate the circumstances. If I had a dedicated computer that I could sit at for hours, I'd have no issues at all. Taking the bus doesn't even bother me (well I haven't stood in the rain yet) but honestly it'll be so easy its not funny. I just don't know how it'll all pan out. I'm gonna give it more time of course, it was just the first day, but I decided to not stop looking. Put a few more applications out there and watching the newspaper again. Oh well.

Oh.. and I shed another 2 pounds almost overnight, rawr! 38 pounds to go people. 8 more pounds and I've lost 100 pounds total. I feel like an entirely new person these days.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Just feeling wonderful. 40 pounds to go. I can remember when I just had LOST 40 pounds.. My feet have gotten smaller again, I've gone from 9 1/2 to 8 1/2 over the last 8 months, I'm right in size 14 jeans and loving that. The funny part of shopping is looking at clothes that are too big for me, I'll hold up something and realize its 3-4 sizes too big. Its hard to get used to the smaller sizes.

Classes are going wonderfully, 100% average in psych, 97% average in government.

I start work tomorrow morning.

Kids go to orthodontic screening on Thursday, and we'll see where that takes us.

Gotta make some calls bout homeowner's insurance later, and talk to our loan officer afterwards to make sure hes got the new info. Last week was very quiet, I don't think this week will be.

Now if my hair would just grow a little faster!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Cleaning house

Went through my closet, again, the other day. This time it was my shoes that were victim. I've gone from 9 1/2 to 8 1/2 over the last 8 or so months. I'm thrilled but it was hard to say goodbye to some of my favorite shoes. I tried each one on, but nothing was salvagable.

Oh well, its an excuse to buy more!

I've found one part of my online classes I don't much like. We have to do 'teamwork' in psychology, and classes started on Sunday. There was one other person that had checked in by Wednesday and we still don't have anything solid and its due tomorrow. Not too happy bout that, but I'll be damned if I don't do my part and get a good grade.

Nari is now fixed, and she went through the surgery really well. She came home, out of the crate and was purring immediately. Very glad she didnt get traumatized like Creeper did. I honestly think we almost lost her last year.

Not much else at the present, no word on the house but I'm assuming no news is good news.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Well, work finally called today and I start next Wednesday. Not as soon as I hoped, but it will be good with these two short units for college. I'll be able to do most of the homework & reading before I start to work so that should be good for me.

Nari got fixed today, I was expecting her to be like Creeper and hide and cry and be just miserable. She was purring moments out of the crate and just so happy to be home. Its hard to keep her from jumping on things right now she feels so good.

Sixty bucks was alot healthier than 300, damn freaking thief of a vet we took Creeper too.

Monday, February 13, 2006

First grades in!

100, 100 and 95 in Government (missed one question on my quiz) and 100 in psych (no grades on the discussions yet) I'm thrilled!!

Been working my butt off to get ahead of the game, knowing I start work this week. Both this week and next are one week long, last unit was 2 weeks. That sorta sucks. But I'll manage.

Off to read my psychology!!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Nothing much new

Not much going on for a change... except what is happening in the background of course.

Spoke to Ed yesterday, loan seems to be going through just fine. Spoke to Samantha, and still waiting on the listed repairs back and what they'll do at this stage. They might wait for the moisture check to do more.

Job should be calling me Monday or Tuesday to start, really excited about that. I should get my first paycheck in March.

Going on a field trip to the Aquarium with Vince today. Should be alot of fun, only a few kids so not like it'll be a problem at all.

Weight has been stable again, but thats fine with me. I'm still adjusting to alot, and I know my eating was a bit off this last week. Had a lot more fast food again than I should, but I didn't gain, so doing just fine.

Loving the college classes and trying to get a jump start on next week's since its only one week. That'll be a bit rough, but I can manage. Only the 2-4 page paper on the electoral college scares me right now. Heh

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Loan papers done (well the first half of the tree) AND!!


I got the job!!! Its the data entry position that I really wanted. At the interview, the boss said he'd let me know by Friday, he called me back within the hour and offered me the job. He said he wanted to give it to me then, but didn't want the other folks interviewing to feel awkward.

Weee.. I start next week on training, I'm totally psyched!!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

House Stuff

Spoke to the Loan Officer, Ed. He seems to think everything will go just fine. So, on that note we put in our notice to vacate. Omgosh thats scary as hell. If they rerent the apartment and something goes wrong, we'll have to find somewhere to live. I can't even begin to point out how crazy that will be. At the present moment, I feel about 95% confident, especially after talking to Ed. He did preapprove us, well Brian, and the house is way under what he said we could afford. And based on the payments he told me, its VERY managable on my own level.

Did the housing repair requests. I have this feeling I didn't quite get something she was saying, but I'm not that worried. Its a pretty small list, and we are mostly just asking for stuff that will have to be done based on the loan we are getting.

Vince & Kat got their report cards, and both did really well. Vince slipped a bit, but still a's b's and c's.

Kat got her contacts last night, its wonderful to see her beautiful face now. Only took about 1.5 hours to get the first set in.. heh. It'll be fun for a few weeks till she gets the hang of it.

Vince spoke to the Johnson & Wales representative yesterday and I think hes still really wanting to go there. Theres a seminar thingie that will tell us about prices etc. We'll go check it out, but honestly I just dunno how affordable it'll be. I want him to go there, but not if it breaks the bank, or loads him with student loans.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


Well, if it couldn't get any crazier, I now have an interview for that data entry job I was really hoping for. Wednesday!! Can't wait. Went out and got a killer outfit, I can't explain how much I want this job. The only one better would have been the lawyer's office. THis one though, is just downtown and the bus will go right there from here, and it'll be same bus when we move. Meaning NO CAR necessary. I will get one at some point, but I can focus on bills first for a while. Thats HUGE.

Went to dinner with Robin & John last night, had a blast. It's really wonderful having friends like that.

Monday will be crazy busy I'm guessing, lots and lots to do. Dentist on Tuesday. I'm dreading it, but I need it done badly.

Classes going well, I'm feeling very confident.

Cancelled my game subscription, I just don't see myself going back anytime soon. Way too much else to occupy myself. And I'm glad of that.

Off to read some psychology!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Home Inspection

Home inspection went way better than I thought it would. I got to sit and talk to the current owner, ALOT, and she doesn't really want to move, but something about her father-in-law got them a house and is fixing it all up.. not really sure. But anyways, they love the house, had hoped to live there a long time. They've put at least 15k into it since they bought it, fixing it up ect. Nothing really was wrong on the home inspection, a little moisture damage, a window needing to open, some lights that aren't turning on. Nothing structural or anything like that.

I've been figuring bills left and right. Its really hard since I havent gotten a single call from that one job (still waiting on background check) and the two others I've applied for have not called. Gonna apply today for a groomer position at the vet thats just down the road from where we'll be living. But I just redid bills with ONLY Brian's pay, just to make sure its all doable if it takes me longer than I want to get something. I just want 300 minimum a month to make a difference in our bills.. Anything more than that will be just juicy.

I'm still nervous bout the loan stuff, and they are all warning me that the mortgage company will ask for all sorts of stuff at the end of the process and its completely stressful. Like it isn't already? I'm just afraid something will happen and I'll be out money for nothing. If that happens, I really doubt Brian will let me try again anytime soon.

Scariest part is turning in notice. What if this falls through and then we are out of a place to live at all? Gah, thats really really scary...

Friday, February 03, 2006

Now what...

Oh my.. have the 'tentative' list of what we do now. Home Inspection is today at 3pm, should get the report tonight on that. Realtor says we can put in notice to vacate after that comes back, even though that scares me.

Damn apartments want 2 months notice, so it'll sit vacant for a bit. I just don't understand that. Oh well. In a few months I won't even remember all this part of it.

After home inspection, hopefully we'll be filling out the real loan papers, probably today or Monday I'm thinking (sooner is better!) That part is the next part scaring me. I know we did the pre-approval, and the loan officer and I went over numbers ALOT, but I'm just still afraid something will go wrong now.

Then appraisal, then termite & moisture checks, then the walk through and closing...

Omgosh.. I'm completely overwhelmed right now. But its a good feeling.

Classes are going great, I feel like I'm getting into it and understanding things. My government is actually more interesting and fun than psychology which surprised me. I think its because I've gotten feedback from Government but not yet from psych.

No word on any other jobs yet, that is bumming me out a little. This phone job is depressing me more and more and I haven't even taken a call yet! I really want one of the other jobs to come through.

Anyways.. think I have enough on my plate?

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Our bid was accepted!!

Still in process.. but bid was accepted...

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Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Put a bid on another house...

hoping to hear today...

if good news, will post picture.. if not.. will just try again.

Really really like this house...