So, I'm starting a business. I'll post more details once I know it's all as it's supposed to be, but for now, it's professional organizing. I'm going to aim for the small, overworked business owner that needs help putting it all together. They know their job and their desire, but they get bogged down in the admin details. I'm already working with my dog trainer, and it's a really neat feeling. I'm not sure what my goal is beyond paying off bills and just trying to have something else that I'm good at to do.
Eventually, I'd love to be able to do this full time, but giving up my paycheck and the job I actually love will be hard. We'll see where we go.
Also, munchin, Henna, is growing like a weed. Ten pounds in the first month that we've had her. We start puppy class on Tuesday. I talked my trainer into puppy class as we haven't had her that long and she's still a munchin. I don't think she's ready for something that requires more attention span.

Brian is going back to nights starting tomorrow.. I swear it seems like he just got off nights. Oh well, what are we gonna do? Two years left in the Navy, thank god. Of course, I have no idea what he'll be doing after that. Hopefully something. I have goals in the house, if we end up staying here, I want a sunroom and to remodel the upstairs so that it's usable for us. I'd like to put another bathroom in upstairs and have the master suite up there as well. We'll see. We'll have a big decision to make once Megan gets out of high school. If my business or my job are really doing well, I can't see how I'll be able to move. As much as I want to go home to Ohio, I just don't know if that will be the right thing to do. Kat wants to move away from VA, far away. Vincent is still living here. Megan, we have no idea what she'll do. Brian talks about starting his own business with the parking lot maintenance, but we'll just have to see. I'm supportive, don't get me wrong, but I just want to see him get something going. It's not too early imo.