It's Just Another Blog

Monday, March 27, 2006

Forgot to mention

But I did indeed get a job. I start TODAY!~! The child support agency called me back on Friday and offered me the job I wanted of the two they had. Of course, I took it. So this weekend was busy with me and Brian getting a second car. Got it for exactly the price we wanted, with a bit of extended warranty since its a 2002 and will be a commuter car. It's a Toyota Corrolla LE with only 30k miles on it for a 2002, thats wonderful and exactly what I wanted. Even got it for cheaper cause I found it online first and brought the ad with me.

So I now work 8-5, but I'm only 10 minutes from home. I get an hour for lunch meaning I can most likely come home or take care of running around needed then. I'll also be able to hit the grocery store on the way home if I so choose. Full time scares me a bit, but honestly in two more years I'll most likely be looking for a full time job with my degree in hand, so its not a horrible thing. I'll miss a few hours with the kids, but thats life. Brian will be home either at 2 or 4, so its not like they'll be alone, and it'll actually do him good I think.

Oh and the pay is incredible for me, I didn't expect more than 9.50 an hour (and that was high) and I'm getting 11.05 an hour... how do you say no to that? And its not an office admin job, its a specific job inside the agency, and potential to move into other jobs there. I think its a great fit and honestly I'm keeping this one even if I absolutely hate it. We need the money.

Luckily with my schooling we are on the last unit for this quarter, so I have 4 chapters to read and some online discussion and just one essay to write. I should be able to fit that all into the next two weeks. Then I get a few weeks off to adjust to everything. I need to fit working out back into my schedule, not that I've needed it this last week, I haven't stopped moving yet.

Can't wait to lose 4 more pounds, that'll be 100 pounds gone. Talk about an accomplishment. It'll be almost a year by the time I lose it, but thats fine with me. It means I'm doing it the right way and it'll not be coming back. That's even more important to me, that it never comes back. I'd rather take 2 years to do it and never gain it back than 6 months and rebound in just a few years.

Tons to take care of this morning, but hope you all have a wonderful day!

Saturday, March 25, 2006


Front room/computer room

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Our Bedroom (with Creeper)

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Living Room

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Living Room

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More Kitchen

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Wednesday, March 22, 2006


We are in the house..

I'm in heaven..

Almost ready to start taking some pictures, will post soon.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Moving today!!!

Weee... closing at 10:30, then we start paint and moving little stuff.. big moving tomorrow and we should be all in by Sunday night.

So I'm most likely off line till Monday or so.. everyone have a great weekend.. I will be!!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Hurry up and wait

Oye.. my life is nuts right now. Still no job, didn't get the appraisal/part time one, though the lady said I was second choice. I guess I don't feel too badly. Hoping the other one calls back, but they said they'd know by friday. Of course I don't even have a phone number for that one, will see what I can find tomorrow.

Did the walk through on the house today. Everything but just a couple small things was done. They just moved out yesterday so she was still cleaning. I can't wait to move in, have I mentioned that? I'm so scared right now that something will go wrong, petrified even. I talked to the loan officer today and asked him if anything COULD go wrong, he said don't worry, it'll all go just fine. They are just making the loan 'pretty' right now. Its still freaking scary. Specially when the seller says she wishes she wasn't moving now!

I want out of this neighborhood, every night I just can't wait. Just a little over 3 days left.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Just waiting

Waiting on word from either of the two jobs. Honestly not sure which I want right now. If the appraisal company comes in with enough hours and the right pay, then it'd be a better job for time... but the child support one is outrageous pay (for me at least) but longer hours.

I just hope I get one of the two, both would be doable and close enough.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Make that two...

Two interviews today...

one full time, one part time..

full time will be hard to turn down honestly, the pay is amazing. Gotta find out more details about both though. Need flexible more than high pay, if they can't be flexible at all, then I just can't take it.

We shall see today!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Fun fun!

Well, I've got another job interview on Monday, this one is for an appraisal company about 20 minutes away. They specifically want part time, a mom looking to work while her kids are at school. (YEAH!) I'm excited bout this one if that isn't obvious.

Also, we've seemed to have adopted another cat. Robin came to me yesterday and told me about this co-worker that had a cat they found, but can't keep cause of their new puppy. The daughter wanted a good home found for it, so we decided to take a look. She's beautiful, black fur and greenish gold eyes. Lovable and lap kitty material. So I'm a sucker. This is it though, no more, period end. That month with Twitch sorta set us up though. At the moment, we are leaning towards Eva for a name, in Gaelic it means life (or so Kat tells me), but her emerging personality might change that. And of course, Nari wants to be her friend, Creeper & Kriye want no part of her, and she wants no part of anyone. I'm hoping it'll all work out alright. The move will set it off again I'm sure, but such is life.

Appraisal is on Monday, termite & moisture on friday, walk-through will most likely be Saturday and then closing is the following friday. Weeeeeeee.