The beginning!
There is something rather liberating about blogs and talking to whoever mightread it. Often times you find yourself with these random thoughts during the dayand no one around to listen. Well my cats listen, but they don't reply verywell.Lets see, some details. Theres a wedding upcoming on Brian's side of the familyin a little over a week, and I finally got myself a really sexy strappy gownthat looks dynamite on me. Yeah, I know I still have a long way to go, but Iwanted something that made me feel gorgeous and I found it. Now if I can justfigure out what the heck to do with my hair.Kids are doing exceedingly well in school already this year. I'm blessed thatthey all still talk to me and want to tell me how things are going and what isnew with them in their lives. They are all something special and I look forwardto seeing where they go in the future.
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dkgoodman, at 6:45 PM
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