To say my life has been busy for the last erm 6-8 months would be an understatement. To many, perhaps my life is just now catching up to other more normal people. But, having been a very fat woman most of my life, and a woman that did not work, and lived in apartments, I have transformed into something entirely new and different over these last two years.
Blogging just sorta got forgotten about.
I love my job. Yes, it is still work, but the sense of accomplishment is high, the feeling that I am contributing and doing something meaningful with my abilities is amazing. Every day is new, every day I learn something I didn't know the day before. People that have been in my job for 20 years are still learning something new daily. There is tons of support at work from my supervisors, and although I make mistakes, I learn and I grow and I hopefully make less mistakes the next week than I did the week before.
School is going great. I'm bumping myself up to full time so I can complete my associates degree in just over two more quarters instead of four. That will make me a bona fide paralegal. And then? I'm going to pursue my bachelor's in Business Management. I've decided I don't want to be just a worker my whole life. I'm looking at moving up the chain to a supervisor's chair in a few years. My supervisor is just a few months younger than me, and likely worked the whole time I was at home raising children. I know I could do what she does (given the education and training of course, she is DAMN good at what she does). I just have to get myself there. And as my mom knows, I love to boss people around. :)
I miss my hubby like crazy, but only a couple months. I won't post any dates here, suffice it to say, that he is overseas floating in a big metal ship and defending our country.
Now, for the true insanity... as if my life isn't silly and crazy enough, I'm strongly thinking about a third dog.
You know those pros and cons lists? I've been doing a mental one in my head since I realized that the two dogs I do have, I'll likely never be able to get into obedience/agility activities as I still think I want to do. Why is that? Well Axel has serious health issues, and I'm seriously worried about how long he might live. Some days his legs are wonderful, other days he just looks so weak. It isn't hip dysplasia, but something neuromuscular. I'm afraid of it traveling to his front end and being unable to walk at all. Right now, I can still take him on hikes and walks, but I'm wondering where he'll be in two-three years.
Vixen, she is the sweetest, funniest girl with a sense of humor that amazes me. She plays games with me even when I'm not at home, like leaving her donkey head toy in my bed. (She really must be Italian, not German) But, her other dog aggression worries me. It doesn't seem to affect her with big dogs at all, but little ones... I'm so afraid that she'll chomp one someday. So, working her in a ring with other dogs is a bit harder. The behaviorist helped IMMENSELY, and I know the problem is manageable.
Now, why do I want third dog? Because I do, for one thing. The two I have bring me SO much happiness and I just love coming home to wagging tails and happy puppies. I can afford it, although I do think about having 3 approx the same age and what that might mean 10 years from now. I want to give a home to another animal in need, I'd be going rescue again. Vixen is wonderful with male shepherds, so I don't think that'd be a problem, Axel is good with any dog.
Cons? Three dogs... I'd have to rearrange my dog room for another crate. More dog food, more dog poop. It would be nearly impossible to take all three for walks by myself, but then again, Axel doesn't go on 75% of the walks I take by myself with Vixen anyways.
I think my biggest worries are these. First, two dogs are alright, three are a pack. Will that change the dynamic terribly? And what if the one I get ends up with more problems? Supposedly he is wonderful with children and cats, which is better than Vixen was at the outset, she was not good with cats and I should have seen that as a red flag. I know this boy is high energy, but he loves to chase balls which means I can wear him out in the back yard by chasing balls. Neither of my two will chase balls like that. My mom will tell me I'm nuts, I don't have time, I can't afford it.. yada yada... But my mom has 3 dogs and at my age, my mom had up 3-5 dogs and puppies at times.
I am waiting for a contact from the foster mom of the one I'm looking at. His current name is Max, (won't stay Max if he comes home here) and then we'll see. We still have to meet and see how Vixen and Axel do.
Why am I such a nut case?
Blogging just sorta got forgotten about.
I love my job. Yes, it is still work, but the sense of accomplishment is high, the feeling that I am contributing and doing something meaningful with my abilities is amazing. Every day is new, every day I learn something I didn't know the day before. People that have been in my job for 20 years are still learning something new daily. There is tons of support at work from my supervisors, and although I make mistakes, I learn and I grow and I hopefully make less mistakes the next week than I did the week before.
School is going great. I'm bumping myself up to full time so I can complete my associates degree in just over two more quarters instead of four. That will make me a bona fide paralegal. And then? I'm going to pursue my bachelor's in Business Management. I've decided I don't want to be just a worker my whole life. I'm looking at moving up the chain to a supervisor's chair in a few years. My supervisor is just a few months younger than me, and likely worked the whole time I was at home raising children. I know I could do what she does (given the education and training of course, she is DAMN good at what she does). I just have to get myself there. And as my mom knows, I love to boss people around. :)
I miss my hubby like crazy, but only a couple months. I won't post any dates here, suffice it to say, that he is overseas floating in a big metal ship and defending our country.
Now, for the true insanity... as if my life isn't silly and crazy enough, I'm strongly thinking about a third dog.
Vixen, she is the sweetest, funniest girl with a sense of humor that amazes me. She plays games with me even when I'm not at home, like leaving her donkey head toy in my bed. (She really must be Italian, not German) But, her other dog aggression worries me. It doesn't seem to affect her with big dogs at all, but little ones... I'm so afraid that she'll chomp one someday. So, working her in a ring with other dogs is a bit harder. The behaviorist helped IMMENSELY, and I know the problem is manageable.
Now, why do I want third dog? Because I do, for one thing. The two I have bring me SO much happiness and I just love coming home to wagging tails and happy puppies. I can afford it, although I do think about having 3 approx the same age and what that might mean 10 years from now. I want to give a home to another animal in need, I'd be going rescue again. Vixen is wonderful with male shepherds, so I don't think that'd be a problem, Axel is good with any dog.
Cons? Three dogs... I'd have to rearrange my dog room for another crate. More dog food, more dog poop. It would be nearly impossible to take all three for walks by myself, but then again, Axel doesn't go on 75% of the walks I take by myself with Vixen anyways.
I think my biggest worries are these. First, two dogs are alright, three are a pack. Will that change the dynamic terribly? And what if the one I get ends up with more problems? Supposedly he is wonderful with children and cats, which is better than Vixen was at the outset, she was not good with cats and I should have seen that as a red flag. I know this boy is high energy, but he loves to chase balls which means I can wear him out in the back yard by chasing balls. Neither of my two will chase balls like that. My mom will tell me I'm nuts, I don't have time, I can't afford it.. yada yada... But my mom has 3 dogs and at my age, my mom had up 3-5 dogs and puppies at times.
I am waiting for a contact from the foster mom of the one I'm looking at. His current name is Max, (won't stay Max if he comes home here) and then we'll see. We still have to meet and see how Vixen and Axel do.
Why am I such a nut case?
You have a dog named Vixen??? LOL
Boss people around? You? Who do you think you are, a GM? :)
dkgoodman, at 9:23 AM
Yes, she is named Vixen :) It suits her almost as much as it did me at that time period :p.
And yes.. I like to boss people around and tell them what to do *grins wickedly*
And.. Max isn't coming to live here.. he's gonna be a freaking HUGE doggie.. 90-100 lbs
Tammy, at 9:46 AM
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