God its good to be home
This trip was ups and downs for me. Its never an easy visit, sharing a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom house with 7+ people, and in winter its even more hassle sometimes. Sleeping in the living room means we can't sleep until everyone else leaves and goes to bed, meaning midnight usually, and thats late anymore for me. We also had to deal with Sandy's 2 year old son Charlie 90% of the time, and oye, but hes a handful. And theres always my mother in law. She can swap moods in 2 seconds flat and just go from happy and bubbling to pissed off and angry. And you never know what will set her off.
I gained back a few pounds unfortunately, but that happens when you really don't have room to move around at all, and sit on a couch 75% of the day. I'm not gonna worry bout it, just gonna start working out again this week and eating right. I can't worry bout a small bit like that when I bought AND fit into size 14 jeans. Thats 14, I skipped right past 16. I think the last time I wore 14's was high school. Everything is still going just how I want it too and I couldn't be happier. I got alot of wonderful reactions from family and lots of people wanting to know how I was doing it. With luck, I've actually inspired a few and they'll be able to do it too.
I really have alot more I want to write about, but my mind is all jumbled and I'm not really coherent yet this morning. I'm also still very pissy and frustrated about some personal things and I know that will come to a head soon enough now that I can talk to him alone for the first time in days. I really don't mind driving the whole distance myself, but it really fucking sucks when you get about 20 minutes of conversation for 9 hours+ of driving. I don't think its that much to ask to have someone to talk too and interact with so that I can stay alert. There's other things as well. I think its extremely not right that when he visits my family he can put himself in a hole in the other room and do whatever he pleases, but when its his family I'm expected to interact and do more than he is. Hell I spent all of one afternoon helping mom get a printer, the ink & paper and all that for it and worked with his sister to get drivers off the net (since they don't have internet access at all). Its small, but honestly it peeved me off. I don't mind being helpful and useful, I just hate the double standard that he can shut off and do whatever he wants just like he does at home.
Oh well, Happy New Year.
I gained back a few pounds unfortunately, but that happens when you really don't have room to move around at all, and sit on a couch 75% of the day. I'm not gonna worry bout it, just gonna start working out again this week and eating right. I can't worry bout a small bit like that when I bought AND fit into size 14 jeans. Thats 14, I skipped right past 16. I think the last time I wore 14's was high school. Everything is still going just how I want it too and I couldn't be happier. I got alot of wonderful reactions from family and lots of people wanting to know how I was doing it. With luck, I've actually inspired a few and they'll be able to do it too.
I really have alot more I want to write about, but my mind is all jumbled and I'm not really coherent yet this morning. I'm also still very pissy and frustrated about some personal things and I know that will come to a head soon enough now that I can talk to him alone for the first time in days. I really don't mind driving the whole distance myself, but it really fucking sucks when you get about 20 minutes of conversation for 9 hours+ of driving. I don't think its that much to ask to have someone to talk too and interact with so that I can stay alert. There's other things as well. I think its extremely not right that when he visits my family he can put himself in a hole in the other room and do whatever he pleases, but when its his family I'm expected to interact and do more than he is. Hell I spent all of one afternoon helping mom get a printer, the ink & paper and all that for it and worked with his sister to get drivers off the net (since they don't have internet access at all). Its small, but honestly it peeved me off. I don't mind being helpful and useful, I just hate the double standard that he can shut off and do whatever he wants just like he does at home.
Oh well, Happy New Year.
HA! I don't even remember what you said about how I use it wrong, but tough. Deal with my hillbilly habits.
Thanks for the good thoughts, they mean alot.
Hope you had a great holiday yourself!
Tammy, at 9:06 AM
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