This morning I've been looking at some old stories of mine, was trying to figure out my progression of 'guilds' on my MMORPG. Was interesting looking back and remembering why I'd joined with certain people and how my play style had changed over the years.
I used to be a huge roleplayer, that was what the game was all about to me. The stories, the people, the development; none of it was supported by the game system either. We just made do the best we could. We actually had some sweeping sagas though, some huge story lines that entertained quite a few folks. But over time, it just got harder and harder, and you'd lose people to other servers, other realms, to disinterest and what not so it was more and more a struggle. And then of course, I discovered another way of play. For the longest time I tried to merge the two, but in the end, I just gave up. Maybe it was lack of new stories for my char, lack of ways to progress and move her through a stagnant world.
I'm still proud of the stories, even the early crappy ones. They were fun and moving to write, sometimes I look back and read some of them and wonder how I managed to write that. I think a few are still linked on some message boards, I'll look for a couple and try to link them here for the curious.
Basic premise for game: Three realms fighting a war against one another. Hibernia - land of celts, firbolgs, elves and nature's magic. Albion - land of humans, paladins, clerics, theurgists and sorcerers. Midgard - land of trolls, kobolds, norse and viking tenants. Each realm battles for dominance in a 'frontier'.
Ah, my mercenary Moryan. I loved this character very much, though I quickly realized I wasn't cut out to play a fighter kinda class. She still was fun as hell.
A Mercenary's Epilogue
Moryan's daughter, Rohaise. She was more trouble than Moryan by far!
A Contract Broken
Thrennoadae's big story. This was my cleric, my favorite and only character for about 2 years of game play. She was a celt that defected to Albion to fight against her people for the sake of a daughter born to an Albion cleric. For the longest time, she still considered herself a druid, a daughter of Hibernia.
The Search for Her Soul
There are alot more of my stories at Kelryck's forums, and alot of other decent writers as well.
I used to be a huge roleplayer, that was what the game was all about to me. The stories, the people, the development; none of it was supported by the game system either. We just made do the best we could. We actually had some sweeping sagas though, some huge story lines that entertained quite a few folks. But over time, it just got harder and harder, and you'd lose people to other servers, other realms, to disinterest and what not so it was more and more a struggle. And then of course, I discovered another way of play. For the longest time I tried to merge the two, but in the end, I just gave up. Maybe it was lack of new stories for my char, lack of ways to progress and move her through a stagnant world.
I'm still proud of the stories, even the early crappy ones. They were fun and moving to write, sometimes I look back and read some of them and wonder how I managed to write that. I think a few are still linked on some message boards, I'll look for a couple and try to link them here for the curious.
Basic premise for game: Three realms fighting a war against one another. Hibernia - land of celts, firbolgs, elves and nature's magic. Albion - land of humans, paladins, clerics, theurgists and sorcerers. Midgard - land of trolls, kobolds, norse and viking tenants. Each realm battles for dominance in a 'frontier'.
Ah, my mercenary Moryan. I loved this character very much, though I quickly realized I wasn't cut out to play a fighter kinda class. She still was fun as hell.
A Mercenary's Epilogue
Moryan's daughter, Rohaise. She was more trouble than Moryan by far!
A Contract Broken
Thrennoadae's big story. This was my cleric, my favorite and only character for about 2 years of game play. She was a celt that defected to Albion to fight against her people for the sake of a daughter born to an Albion cleric. For the longest time, she still considered herself a druid, a daughter of Hibernia.
The Search for Her Soul
There are alot more of my stories at Kelryck's forums, and alot of other decent writers as well.
Dark ages of Camelot, howl!
mosta, at 9:31 AM
Oh.. you play? or formerly?
Hib/Perc myself
Tammy, at 9:47 AM
According to Goodman, we should know each other from a MUD I think
mosta, at 10:00 AM
Yah..LoFP I'm guessing... Who did you play?
Vixen or Chyme da Gypsy were me.
Tammy, at 10:03 AM
Ah so you must have been the driving force behind our guild, Vox was my alter ego
mosta, at 10:07 AM
Vox.. name rings a bell.. but I can't recall which guild offhand.. I did GM for a lot of them there for a while. Quite overloaded myself to be honest.
I'm thinking the ones on the island in the tower though.. blah the name escapes me....
Tammy, at 10:11 AM
It was a tower of secrets supposedly, how's life been for you I hope you are doing well
mosta, at 10:18 AM
Life is pretty good, getting things in order and on track. Putting more of my attention where it belongs as of late.
And you?
Tammy, at 10:21 AM
Vox was a robot type creature, as I recall, always sputtering and sparking and saying obscure things. :)
dkgoodman, at 2:50 PM
I battling with weight myself...I've been a yo-yo..I'm on a Starbucks diet
mosta, at 3:37 PM
Wow! I stumbled upon your blog Threnn... I used to play Kiriath the Theurg :)
How is everything?
Unknown, at 10:43 AM
You have to leave me your email or something so we can chat!!
Tammy, at 9:20 PM
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